Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Rehearsal #2, June 25: "Can They Hear Us Over There?"

Our second rehearsal was a cozy 3 band members.  Everyone got a little tutorial on the drum set from Mason, and everyone did really well.  One band member lamented her lack of coordination, but I'm not too convinced.  We'll see what happens when/if she gets assigned a drum part.

Another band member is bravely playing the bass, and playing well, after initially feeling intimidated.  Those are some big, fat strings!  They hurt your fingers after a while.

Of course we reviewed the songs from last week--we're making progress!  And then we threw two new ones in the mix, which are the following:

"Billie Jean":

"No Excuses":

At the end of rehearsal a lot of other musicians showed up to use the other rehearsal studios.  They were rocking out, and we could hear them, and someone realized that they might be able to hear us!  One of the guys from the other band told me that we sounded good.  Yay!

More next week!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Rehearsal #1, June 18: "My Mouth Hurts and It's Impeding My Pizza Enjoyment"

What a fun rehearsal!  We learned two songs and made a stab at writing one.

Here are a couple of YouTube videos in case anyone wants to familiarize themselves with the songs and/or practice.

"Someone Saved My Life Tonight":

"Un Poco Loco":
 We will work on these songs again next week, and then learn two more!

Band name, anyone?  Something that does not have the word "Joy" in it?!?

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Intro (Verse, Verse, Chorus, Verse, Chorus, Bridge, Chorus, Chorus...)

Welcome to band camp!  I'm so excited to get started with you, my friends.

After our first rehearsal I will post some videos (to help you practice) and more info.

For now, you can enjoy this video of my band, Sweetbriar Rose!